Meet Amitoj...
Day in the life of your role.
My day consists of managing my existing customer base portfolio, with any sales and quotes as well as provide the full TWGB solution whether it be services or our full range or products. I also manage and onboard any new leads and customers.
What is your favourite part of your job?
I enjoy the ability to split my working week up with some days in the office and some days out and about meeting with customers and businesses as well as store visits.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?
Be courageous and optimistic, have the ability to approach situations without being afraid of not knowing everything. The beauty of working in a team is you can collaborate and all contribute equally using our own skills and knowledge.
Why do you love working with The Warehouse Group?
I love the people and the culture of TWG. It's a very inclusive and rewarding company to work for.
Describe the culture and environment at TWG.
The culture is very accepting, positive and motivating. I love the culture of collaborating with your team members and bringing out the best in each other collectively.
What is your favourite TWG benefit?
The staff discounts across all the brands is awesome, I get to shop at my favourite stores knowing I am getting the best prices as a staff member.