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Our Human Resource department support and nurture over 10,000 team members throughout their retail careers. Primarily, our goal is to attract and retain the best talent, along with supporting and empowering our people to be the best that they can be.  

Our HR team play a pivotal role in ensuring that team members feel engaged and taken care of. From our teams in Recruitment, Remuneration & Learning and Development through to our HR Business Partners & Health and Safety, they create environments that allow our team members to thrive. 


why work here

Meet Hayley
Talent Acquisition Lead

"I love the collaborative & supportive culture"

why work here

Meet Nate
Talent Acquisition Partner

"The environment is welcoming, which allows you to bring your full self to work, without fear of judgement"

why work here

Meet Chris
HR Operational Insights Lead

"The environment here at TWG is fast paced, with a lot of change!"

join talent community

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We will notify you about relevant positions, and keep you in mind whenever we have interesting opportunities.